Flying Ceiling Fan Blades

Wednesday, October 7th, 2009 by Rachel

IMG_0269Last night, I went to sleep at 11. Woke at 1:30 to loud crash. Thought someone was breaking into the house. Derrick investigated. Nothing. Woke at 7:30 for real. Entered computer room only to find two ceiling fan blades on the ground. The blades had spun off the fan while we were sleeping, flying into the air, denting/scuffing wall before landing on the floor.


This freaks me out… REALLY freaks me out. If you refer back to this entry Here!, you’ll see that I listed ceiling fans over me when I’m sleeping as one of the top 30 things that give me the heeby jeebies. I’ve always worried that a ceiling fan would fall on me and mutilate my body like a blender in bed. Now I need to revise my phobia to include flying blades. I am so lucky that this didn’t hit my computer–or hit me in the head!

Things that give me the Heeby Jeebies

Wednesday, September 2nd, 2009 by Rachel

This is a work in progress. Expect updates/adjustments as I continue this blog.


1) dead ladybugs
2) spiders (more specifically spider bite)
3) palmetto bugs i.e. cockroaches stuck in between my window and window screen
4) chalk on my hands
5) touching moles (not the creature, the spot on the body)
6) Criss Angel getting smushed by a steam roller
7) finger nails pulling back
8 ) copy machines
9) mysterious knocks on my door
10) cheese graters
11) moths
12) Clint Howard
13) stinky unidentifiable liquid in the bottom of my trashcan
14) sexually transmitted diseases
15) giant pictures of dead babies
16) teeth getting knocked out
17) stapling
18) paper cuts
19) ten car pile ups
20) people walking down train tracks
21) rolly pollies
22) dirt under my fingernails
23) sand on my feet
24) computer viruses
25) the internet
26) eggnog
27) driving at night
28) stuff in my hair (bugs, dust, fuzz, leaf)
29) ceiling fans over me when I’m sleeping
30) sticking fingers near sockets when I’m unplugging stuff.