Melrose Place – Season Two

Thursday, August 4th, 2011 by Rachel

I’ve finished Melrose Place’s Season Two, another 31 45-minute episodes. As I’m now 62 episodes into the show, I am completely invested in the characters, the show’s plot, and all this craziness of a 90’s soap opera. I didn’t want to reveal any important plot points for those of you who decide to watch the show or are watching the show, but I have to give you something, so I will spoil one plot thread that I had accidentally spoiled for me before I even started watching the show.


Like I wrote in my first entry, Marcia Cross & Doug Savant drew me in, and before I started watching Melrose Place, Derrick sent me a short YouTube clip featuring both of them. The two were walking down a hospital hallway arguing, and it didn’t really mean anything out of context, but it was fun to see these two wonderful actors working together in a much different world than the world of Desperate Housewives. So when Dr. Michael Mancini “killed” his fiancé Kimberly Shaw (Marcia Cross) early in Season Two in a drunk driving accident, I knew something wasn’t right. For one thing, there wasn’t your typical TV funeral. For another, I remembered this YouTube hospital conversation and knew that it hadn’t happened yet, so I watched the rest of Season Two anticipating Kimberly’s return. When she is finally resurrected, it is awesome, and it exceeded my expectations.


Though I had guessed that Amanda’s troublemaking would rule Season Two, I really have to give credit to Dr. Mancini. He is such a slimy, scummy, evil, egocentric, manly man that he took over the drama. The “murder” I revealed isn’t even the half of it. This man is lower than low. He even looks different than he did in the beginning of Season One. The show is really working with his new evil persona in it.


Season Two ups the melodrama in exactly the way it needed to be upped. There are murders, accidents, crimes, backstabbing, alliances, cheating, blackmail (probably the most popular device used in the show), repressed memories, and lots of conflicted romance. Nobody has died in the pool yet… but I did get a pool fight (complete with underwater cameras), which was awesome and definitely worth the wait.